My Inspiration

Nikola Tesla – This great inventor is my idol and though reading his work obtained the inspiration to experiment in a quest to define Radiant energy. Tesla gave so much to the modern world as evidence that we still use AC electricity and many other of his inventions needed in our modern everyday lives.

J.L Naudin – Is a French replicator and inventor that is very passionate about “The Quest for Overunity”.  His website is an amazing resource for anyone wishing to research or replicate new energy technologies.

Walter Russell – His work introduced the concept of the vortex/spiral action for merging his unified theory in physics and cosmogony. The Russell periodic chart of the elements is very interesting and could bring about a revolution in science. This awesome work enabled me to look at the links to bridge the divide between science and metaphysics through experimenting with concepts from both disciplines.

Victor Schauberger – Utilized implosion technology in his inventions harnessing the spiral of nature to work with the flow and not use resistive forces. His work with this efficient process of vortex based properties needs a closer look and thus incorporate into our modern technology.

John Bedini – Has done amazing work in promoting Radiant energy technology in his many years working with Tom Bearden and for sharing his research with Radiant energy. This awesome Monopole/SSG circuit released has provided a platform to experiment with Radiant energy anomalies/effects. This has been a source of joy in my quest to understand Radiant energy and I thank you for all your effort.

Eugene Mallove – I have a great amount of respect for this man and what he wanted to share with the world. He was the founder of the non-profit organisation “New Energy Foundation” and the editor of the Infinite energy magazine until his death in 2004. Cold fusion and promoting other new energy technologies was his legacy.

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